What Sets Us Apart?

Looking for a church home is tough, so we want to be brutally honest to believers and seekers alike. Here are a few of the ideas, convictions, and values that we hold here at New Life –

Delighting In God

Following Jesus is not a weight or burden, He is true freedom. The Bible teaches us that Christ is our ultimate satisfaction.

God Centered Worship

When we know God and live thankful lives for Him according to the scriptures, life makes sense. Christ is our King, it is all about Him.

Gospel Centered

God saves us from start to finish. The Gospel is God’s plan of renewal (redemption). The Gospel needs to be in our lives daily, it is not just a past decision.

Simple Structure

Worship services, small groups, and service (missions). We don’t like to overcomplicate how we do church because the Bible isn’t complicated.

Biblical Teaching

The Bible does not exist simply to back up a moral code or opinions (man-centered). We unpack the scripture to receive the truth. Our lives are not “fixed” by a prescription on how to live. We must continue pointing to the cross to truly live life (God-centered).

Family Discipleship

The Bible gives much attention to the family. Your relationship with your family matters. New Life desires your family to be discipled as a whole. Parents and children should be growing together spiritually. We want your family to grow closer to each other and to God.New Life is committed to strengthening the family by applying Biblical principles to every area of life and providing resources to achieve that goal.


The Kingdom of God is bigger than New Life. We desire our church family and leadership to be involved in local and global missions.The Gospel message should never be lost or overshadowed to good deeds. However, we are called to serve as it is vital to our spiritual growth.
Elders & Decons
Years in Existence
Children & Youth

Come As You Are

God looks on our hearts, not our appearance. So if  you show up in shorts and a t-shirt that’s okay.


We are responsible for one another in the good times and bad. None of us are perfect.

Baptized via Immersion

We baptize believers as a mark of what Christ has done in their life. This occurs after belief.