Sunday Morning Service

Our service starts at 10:30a and we believe in relevancy, modern and authentic worship. Our music is spiritual and engaging. We are not a typical Baptist church in any sense of the word. It is our hope that you meet with the Holy Spirit and walk away with a real lasting experience that you remember for a lifetime.

The Bible is very clear on how we are to welcome all people groups to worship the one true God of the scriptures. We love new people and be prepared to be hugged a few times before you leave. Our services are multigenerational and multicultural because that is our community and we want to reflect the community of Auburndale.

So what does relevant mean to us? It’s a loaded statement and some would define it in different ways. It means preaching the Word in it’s entirety and unapologetically. It means not skipping around to make the Bible say what we want it to say so we preach through the Bible verse by verse. We believe that prayer is essential and not old fashion or out of date. So we pray in our services weekly.

Worship Style

Recent Ramblings

We love talking about Jesus and answering difficult spiritual questions. One way we do that is through our blog. If you have any questions about what we have posted there feel free to leave a comment. We answer them.