Who are the Southern Baptists?

New Life is part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).  Often times, churches are stereotyped by denomination and sister church comparisons, However, in the Southern Baptist Convention churches are autonomous (independent, self ruled).  The S.B.C is not a governing body. They do not have the authority to tell the local churches what to believe or how to run their individual churches. Each local body of believers remains autonomous, free to choose their own governing body, pastors, deacons, as well as beliefs. This means every church has their own unique personality, organization, and style.

The Southern Baptist Convention is comprised of local SBC churches whose

representatives come together on a regular basis to discuss, plan and vote on topical matters of importance to these local churches. Its main purpose is to raise support for both World Missions and North American Missions.

Because of its organized and unified efforts, the Southern Baptist Denomination is the largest evangelical denomination reaching the lost world for Christ today. Unlike many other denominations, our missionaries do not have to raise their own funds on order to do the important work of reaching the lost for Christ.

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