Author Archives: admin

'Am I Gossiping or Just Talking About a Friend?

Am I Gossiping or Just Talking About a Friend?

I know gossip is bad, but sometimes I have a hard time knowing what’s gossip and what’s not. For example, I have a friend who’s going through a lot of difficult stuff right now, and I want to ask my small group and friends to pray for her, but I don’t want it to turn into gossip. How do I tell the difference?

– Jenna

Of course YOU would ask that question, Jenna. Me and my friend were just talking about you the other day and how you

'What’s the Point of Worship?

What’s the Point of Worship?

10 a.m. on Sunday morning. In a small, steepled church, people sing a few old hymns backed by an organ, listen to a sermon, share in Communion and have bad coffee as they laugh and catch up in the church basement afterward.

A few blocks away, in a rehabbed industrial warehouse, a clock on a screen counts down the seconds to the start of the service. Before and after the sermon, a 10-person band led by a young, flannel shirt-wearing, ambient electric guitar-playing worship leader plays highly produced music from an elevated stage accompanied by full lights and a colorful media presentation.

'Great Losses, Severe Mercies, Tearful Joy

Great Losses, Severe Mercies, Tearful Joy

Do you have a view of God, and his severe mercy, that is robust and biblical enough to flourish with tearful joy, under heartbreaking losses, which he ordains as discipline?

What if you thought God took your child? Or what if you thought he cancelled a dream you had had for forty years?

'Deconstructing Me-First Faith

Deconstructing Me-First Faith

It’s so easy to live a life that revolves solely around a single agenda: our own. Everything in the surrounding culture encourages us to create the life that we want, to see the fulfillment of our own goals as the ultimate prize, to stand apart from the crowd by being truly selfish.