Vacation Bible School

VBS 2014

Sign up to help or register your child for VBS today! Vacation Bible School will be starting in August running from the 10-14th at 6-9pm. It is our hope that we have the chance to minister to your child this year and would love a chance to get to know you as well. See you soon!

Sign Up for VBS Today!

Please Fill Out the Form Below

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Your Email (required)

Ages You Wish to Work With

Do you have kids?
 Yes No

Explain your experience with kids (if any)

Click here to download the background check

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When looking into New Life Baptist Church as a place to visit...we read on the website 'A church that is not crying is dying'. We have small children who tend to cry during service so this phrase hit home and persuaded us to give them a try. We are now members and part of the family!
Joni Stiles Killius, Member
We have three kids, two boys and a baby girl. Alisha and I were so impressed with the nursery workers. They loved on our kids like they were their own. New Life values children
Chris Florence, Worship